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Age of Revolution I PDF

Age of Revolution I PDF

  • The big ideas of the previous two centuries (during the Renaissance & Reformation) fomented upheaval for society during the 1600s: the Puritan Revolution and Glorious Revolution in England and Scotland, the Thirty Years' War in Central Europe, religious struggles in France, the work of Peter the Great in Russia, and the Scientific Revolution throughout Europe, for example. Even art and music underwent many changes!
  • The same roiling issues led the Pilgrims into the Mayflower! But they were not the only ones coming to America. We will watch the entire pageant of New World exploration and settlement (by the English, French, Spanish, Dutch, etc.) in its full context. You'll meet the New World natives who were so impacted, as well!
  • The incredible undercurrents of the Renaissance/Reformation and the 1600s rolled right into the 1700s. As truths and untruths were further built upon, deep change came to many nations. Are not the American and French Revolutions proof of that?! Do you know how different they were...and why?! Do you know that the French Revolution has had more impact on the modern world than the American?! But there's so much more to this century: great musicians, scientists, and authors, all caught in the clash of ideas. Indeed, the 'Enlightenment' would spread the strongly humanistic ideas of Voltaire and Rousseau east to Frederick the Great's Prussia and Catherine the Great's Russia, and west to America. What would be the results? Where might we see God's hand? Let's find out!


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