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Age of Revolution II

Age of Revolution II

  • It was during the 1800s that the river of humanism began to cut a many-streamed delta across the western world: mankind believed his "progress" placed him at the center of science, industry, philosophy, literature, etc., with the power to re-write life's most basically-held truths.
  • But the fountain of spiritual renewal was also bubbling in a concern for missions, slavery, revival, and more.
  • News of the American Revolution had given many freedom-parched Europeans a desire for liberty. Their problems were very real, but they had to decide who had the answers: God, Karl Marx, or the sophisticated humanism swiftly consuming even the Christian church.
  • In all that, history was marching on: Napoleon's conquests, the Industrial Revolution, the Romantic Movement in art, the rise of socialism, etc.
  • America was just a fledgling nation, facing the War of 1812 and then the fearsome Civil War/War Between the States. She never stopped growing though, as pioneers poured into the new Louisiana Purchase and down the Santa Fe and Oregon Trails.
  • Ideally for Grades 5-12, but younger siblings can participate. Includes book recommendations for all ages, where available.

  • Available as printed book, or PDF eBook (immediate download)...or get both at a Combo price (40% off the PDF) so you can have the searchable TQH guide on your device too!
  • Optional "companion resource" from AJTL is also available.


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